Silly Mommy
While I was working on the post on Dependency (I Need You To Need Me), my 3 1/2 yr old comes in to my office and spots my uber-sophisticated drawings of stick figures, which I was in the process of scanning. Max flips through them and asks, “Mommy, can I help you wif deese pictuwes?”
Sure, Sweat-Pea.
I had hoped he’d be content to play with Little People while I finished writing, but I quickly discovered that was not meant to be.
LOVE, I have discovered, is always rewarding, but not always convenient. Especially when it comes to kids.
Please allow me to “illustrate” (Or, rather, allow Max to illustrate):
“Look, Mommy, dese hafe yous favowite color gween. Dey has gween eyes AND a gween mowff! I made a mistake on the mouff of dat one and colowed it but it didn’t come off.”
“I gave dese ones blue eyes wike you and me. And smiles. Because they is happy. Wike us.”
“I gave dese guys wots and wots of eyes. Dey can see ev-wey-fing!”
“Dat is me, under da table. I is hiding. I pwaying hide and seek.”
“And dat is wots and wots of eyes! Dey can see even mowe of evewyfing!!”
So I guess unhealthy patterns of dependency isn’t the only “fing” to open ourselves to… Silly Mommy!